Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fried Frenemy and Fellow Human

A few years ago, I couldn't understand people's anger at the infamous chicken restaurant until I read about myself. I thought it was a lot of hipster nonsense until I did a bit of research. Once I understood it better, the chicken was still delicious but I was so full on guilt I couldn't enjoy it. So I stopped eating it.
Now that people have started to be more vocal about their feelings toward this corporate entity it's been easier to explain to people why I don't eat there. A lot of times other people will explain it for me so quickly that I can leave the room while someone else tells them why.
What has begun to unnerve me is the super reactions. This whole business about trying to stop them from putting a new franchise up. I mean sure it warms me a little to hear that others, and those put in place by a system of voting, actually agree with me in some way (shocker!). But to combat intolerance with intolerance is no way to run your boycott or to earn any converts.
For those of us in the boycott, let us remember that there are more places we can exercise this muscle.  I am in no way perfect in this but it is always worth seeing where the profit you hand corporations go and where those profits came from. Perhaps we can all take a Sunday afternoon and find out how little the person who assembled our clothes and shoes got paid. We can look at our receipts from the discount depot we buy so many things from and ponder if the nice lady who bagged our cheap plastic crap into a cheap plastic bag has had a decent raise in the 6 years she's worked there.
To those of you who may agree with the chicken restaurant and its actions, enjoy your meal without me. I pray that when those with the ability to shun you for being different rise to power, I will once again find the strength to skip their chicken sandwich too.  As I recall this country was founded by people fleeing intolerance.

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